Welcome Supporters of Orchard Lane
For the students, staff, OL community, a love of learning, and lifelong memories. We are the PFC.
PFC News
Welcome to the 2024-2025 academic year! PFC leadership has been busy behind the scenes scheduling meetings and planning events for this school year. As always, we'd love for you to join us -- either for the work or the fun. Feel free to explore this website if you're new to Orchard Lane. Otherwise, keep an eye on the weekly OL newsletter for PFC announcements and the latest updates. If you have questions, please email olpfcpresident@gmail.com. ​
Get Involved
The PFC is run by volunteers. To make our events possible, we need as much active participation as we can get. If you're interested in helping out, we welcome you whole-heartedly!
Supporting the Orchard Lane community takes time and talent, energy, creativity, and (let's be honest): money. Learn about the ways you can help us raise funds.
Important Dates
2024-2025 School Year
6: Kindergarten Camp 9-Noon
7: Kindergarten Camp 9-Noon
8: Kindergarten Camp 9-Noon
19: Kindergarten Bus Orientation 5:15-6:15 pm
20: Picture Day 4-7pm
21: Picture Day 9-Noon
23: PFC Playdate at Lion's Park 3-6pm
29: Meet the Teacher Night 5-6:30pm
2: Labor Day (No School)
3: First Day of School
10: PFC Meeting 6:30-8pm
8: PFC Meeting 6:30-8pm
18: Trunk or Treat 5:30-7pm
25: Staff Inservice Day (No School)
4: End of First Quarter
12: PFC Meeting 6:30-8pm
21: PFC Soup and Salad Lunch for OL Staff
27: Staff Inservice Day (No School)
28: Thanksgiving Break (No School)
29: Thanksgiving Break (No School)
3: PFC Meeting 6:30-8pm
4: Visit with Santa 5-8pm
10-13: Sixth Grade Candy Gram Sales
12: PFC Cookie Walk for Orchard Lane Staff
23-31: Winter Break (No School)
1: Winter Break (No School)
14: PFC Meeting 6:30-8pm
17: End of Second Quarter
20: Staff Inservice Day (No School)
7: PFC Orchard Lane Staff Treat Day
11: PFC Meeting 6:30-8pm
17: Staff Inservice Day (No School)
21: Fourth, Fifth, and Sixth Grade Lock-In 6-9:30
11: PFC Meeting 6:30-8pm and PFC Board Nominations Begin
15: Toast to Education 7-10pm
24-28: Spring Break (No School)
2: End of Third Quarter
8: PFC Meeting 6:30-8pm and PFC Board Nominations Close
23-24: Kids' Ticket Raffle Sale During Lunch
24: Showcase Night/Spring Fundraiser 5:30-7:30pm
5-9: Teacher Appreciation Week
13: PFC Meeting 6:30-8pm
16: High Interest Day
26: Memorial Day (No School)
30: Hotdog Day
6: Last Day of School (Half Day)​​​​​​